Born 1/24/25: Twins Veteran's Mafalda Smart/Veteran's Lightning Bolt

T36=doe:black with moonspots, white cap & frosty ears.  AVAILABLE

T37=doe: Veteran's Mighty Heart, black with moonspots, white cap & black ears ears. ​RETAINED​​​

2025 kidding log: 

+* Six M Galaxy Lightning (G6S Normal). USDA Elite Sire. Sire of 3 Top Ten Does: $400 for 5 straws AVAILABLE
*B Veteran's Apache Firepower (G6S Normal). Son of 3 times Top Ten Doe by USDA Elite Sire 
*B Veteran's Julius Caesar (G6S Normal). $150 for 5 straws
*B Goddard Farm Toblerone (G6S Normal). $150 for 5 straws

+*B C&W Farm Zena's Noble Knight(G6S Normal). USDA Elite Sire. Sire of Top Ten Does. SOLD OUT

*B Veteran's Tia's Thunder (G6S Normal). SOLD OUT

*B Veteran's Chester Nimitz (G6S Normal). $250 for 5 straws. AVAILABLE

*B C& W Farm Zena's Zodiac Raider(G6S Normal). Son of ADGA Top Ten Doe. SOLD OUT

+*B SG Linn Farm's Magi's Maxim(G6S Normal). USDA Elite Sire SOLD OUT 

Linn Farm's Ivy League Magi(G6S Normal). USDA Elite Sire. SOLD OUT

*B Veteran's Catatumbo Lightning(G6S Normal). USDA Elite Sire. $400 for 5 straws AVAILABLE

*B Veteran's Tia's Code Talker(G6S Normal). Son of 3 times Top Ten doe. $250 foe 5 straws AVAILABLE 

Crow's Dairy Little Richard(G6S Normal) SOLD OUT 

*B Crow's Dairy Supersonic Comet. Son of multiple times Elite Sire. $250 for 5 straws. AVAILABLE


*B Veteran's Second Chance (G6S Normal) SOLD OUT

*B Veteran's Special Force (G6S Normal & IVF son of Six M Galaxy Poseys BF Nova). $250 for 5 straws AVAILABLE

Born 2/28/25: Twins Veteran's Unique Gemma/C&W Farms Kings Majesty

T58=doe:black with white splashes, cap & ears. AVAILABLE

T59=buck: black with white moonspots, cap & black ears. AVAILABLE​​​​

Veteran's Ranch
Legendary Nubian Dairy Goats                        

Annabelle Pattison 480-694-8513                                                 
8848 N Palo Verde Rd, Florence, Arizona 85132 

Email us with questions at

Nubian Sires available for custom AI only

Semen  For Sale

Born 1/24/25: Twins C&W Farm Morko's Morn'Star/Veteran's Lightning Bolt

T32=doe: Veteran's Night Star, black with red trim white cap, forehead & black ears.  SALE PENDING

T33=doe: Veteran's Bright Star, black with moonspots, white cap, forehead  & ears. ​RETAINED​​​

 Junior Does 
 Bred To
 Due/kidding date (# of kids)
Morni'StarBolt1/24 twin does1 doe retained 1 doe pending saledoe $550/buck $350
PheonixSonic1/25 single doe1 doe retaineddoe $550/buck $350
J'DorabelleSpecial Forces1/24 single buck1 buck availabledoe $550/buck $350
SunriseSpecial Forcesopennothing available

doe $550/buck $350

HennaSpecial Forces1/24 single doe1 doe sold

doe $550/buck $350

AvengerSpecial Forcesopennothing available

doe $550/buck $350

LibertadSpecial Forces1/20 single buck​1 buck available

doe $550/buck $350

ReynaMajesty1/24 twin bucks2 bucks available doe $550/buck $350
1/28 twins doe/buck1 doe & 1 buck availabledoe $550/buck $350
Thunder LadyMajesty1/21 single buck1 buck solddoe $550/buck $350
Lourdes**Majesty1/18 twin bucks2 bucks available after testingdoe $600/buck $450

Born 1/1/25: Twins Crow's Dairy Bernita/Six M Galaxy Tia's Tarot

T1=buck: black & white, white belt over rump, cap, legs & black laced ears. SOLD

T2=buck: Veteran's Buena Fortuna, black & white, white belt small cap & black eras. RETAINED

Born 1/28/25: Twins Veteran's Venus Horizon/Veteran's Maximun Velocity

T55=doe:Veteran's TBD, black with white splashes, face, cap & ears. RETAINED

T56=buck: black with white spots, feet, face, cap & ears. AVAILABLE​​​​

Senior Does
PP Bred ToBack-up

Due/kidding date

(# of kids)

 Reservations/Results Price*
Noel-Top Ten/Elite
(?) due 3/41 buck reserved


Blue Rose-Top Ten/Elite
(?) due 3/141 doe retained$P/T
Unique-Top Ten/Elite
1/22 single buck1 buck retained$P/T
1/22 twin bucks1 buck retained 1 buck available$P/T
Gran Reserva-Top Ten/Elite**
1/18 triplets 2b1d1 doe retained 2 bucks available$P/T
Eclipse-Top Ten/Elite**
1/24 single buck buck retained?$P/T
Baby Belle-Elite



1/19 triplets 2b1d

1 buck retained$1000
1/20 single bucknothing available$1000
Light Show


nothing available$1000
Blue Moon
1/28 quads 2d 2b1 doe retained 1 doe & 3 bucks available
1/27 quads 2b 2d1 doe & 1 buck available
1/23 twins 1d1b1 doe/buck retained$1000

(?) due 3/5

1/18 twin bucks1 buck sold 1 buck available$900
Mamma Mia!
1/27 triplets 2d 1b1 doe retained 1 doe sold 1 buck pending sale$900
True Blue-Elite
(?) due 3/14
FeleenaStorm(?) due 3/28
1/27 twins 2d1 doe retained1 doe available$800
1/21 twins 1d1b doe & buck retained$800
(?) due 3/30
Stars & Stripes-Elite

1/25 triplets 2d 1b

1 doe retained 1 buck sold 1 doe pending sale$800
1/28 triplets1 DOA 1 doe retained 1 buck available$800


1/28 single buck1 buck sold


Horizon/Max(kids need DNA)
1/20 triplets all bucks1 buck retained 2 bucks available$700
opennothing available$900
opennothing available


Zuni-Top Ten
(?) due 3/241 buck 1 doe reserved$P/T
opennothing available$P/T
Tatti-Top Ten/Elite
C&W Farm Zena's Noble Knight
opennothing available$P/T
BernitaPPSix M Galaxy Tia's TarotN/A1/1 twin bucksall sold/retained$P/T


PPSix M Galaxy LightningN/A2/1 single bucknothing available​$P/T
Sophie-ElitePPSix M Galaxy Noel's NicholasN/A1/1 triplets all bucks2 retained/reserved 1 buck pending sale$P/T

2024 available kids: 

Born 1/24/25: Single Veteran's J'Dorabelle/Special Forces

T38=buck:black with white splashes, cap & black ears.  AVAILABLE​​​

Veteran's Ranch
Legendary Nubian Dairy Goats                        

Annabelle Pattison 480-694-8513                                                 
8848 N Palo Verde Rd, Florence, Arizona 85132 

Email us with questions at

Born 1/19/25: Triplets Veteran's Gran Reserva (Top Ten/Elite)/Veteran's Sparkys Pistachino

Bucks available for sale after G6S testing

T10=buck: black & white, belt, cap & ears. 

T11=buck: black with white splashes, cap & ears. 

T12=doe: blue roan with white cap, nose & ears. RETAINED​​

Born 1/27/25: Quads C&W Farm Freedom's Flash-Bang/Veteran's Maximum Velocity

T46=doe:Veteran's Flash Dancer, black with moonspots, white broken belt, cap & ears.  RETAINED?

T47=buck: DOA

T48=buck: black with moonspots, white belt, cap & camo ears. AVAILABLE

T49=buck: DOA​​​

Born 1/25/25: Triplets Veteran's Stars & Stripes/Veteran's Moonshadow Prince

T39=doe:black with red trim, white splash, cap & ears.  SALE PENDING

T40=doe: Veteran's Stardust Princess, black with moonspots, white cap, face & ears. ​RETAINED

T41=buck: Veteran's Malachi, black with white splashe, cap, face & ears. SOLD​​​

Born 1/21/25: Twins Veteran's RedMax Sedona/2DoesRising Over The Horizon

T23=buck: Veteran's RedRock Horizon, brown with spots & brown ears. RETAINED 

T24=doe: Veteran's RedRock Beauty, brown with spots, white cap & ears. RETAINED​​​

Born 1/22/25: Twins Veteran's Novastar/2DoesRising Over The Horizon

T26=buck: black with no cap, white ears. AVAILABLE 

T27=buck: black roan with moonspots, white cap, nose & ears. AVAILABLE​​​

Breeding/Kidding/Sales 2024/2025​​

(Updated as of 3/5/2024)

Sales & Conditions 

Born 1/18/25: Twins Veteran's Lourdes Miracle/C&W Farm King's Majesty

T6=buck: black with white splashes, cap & ears. AVAILABLE after G6S testing

T7=buck: black with moonspots, white splashes, cap & black eras. AVAILABLE after G6S testing​​​

Junior Does 2024-25

2024 kidding season is over! We are sold out of doelings. Scroll down for picture of available buckling...

​​All buyers (especially out-of-state) please read "Sales & Conditions"below.

Email us for details. Text or call480-694-8513. Please leave a message as we are tending to our goats.  We will call/text you within 24 hours.

$P/T = Private Treaty. Serious inquires only by email, FB, Messenger, phone or text.

PP= Planned Pedigree. AI = Artificial Insemination BU = Back-up buck

* *= Kids subject to G6S testing

Born 1/1/25: Triplets Veteran's Magic Sophie (Elite)/Six M Galaxy Noel's Nicholas

Serious Inquiries only.

T3=buck: Veteran's TBD, black with tan trim, spot on neck, white cap, snip & ears. SALE PENDING

T4=buck: Veteran's TBD, black with tan trim, white cap & black ears. SOLD

T5=buck: Veteran's  Nicholas Galileo lack with red trim, white splashes, cap, nose & ears. RETAINED​​

Born 1/28/25: Quads Veteran's AZ Blue Moon/Crow's Dairy Supersonic Comet

T51=doe:black with moonspots, white broken belt, cap & ears. RETAINED

T52=buck: black with large white cap, nose & ears. AVAILABLE

T53=doe: black with red trim white cap & ears. AVAILABLE

T54=buck: black with white splashes, spots, cap & ears. AVAILABLE​​​

Born 1/25/25: Triplets Veteran's Mamma Mia!/Veteran's Moonshadow Prince

T43=buck: Veteran's Fernando, black with white splashes, blaze, cap & black ears.  SALE PENDING

T44=doe: Veteran's Chiquitita Dreams, black with white splashes, cap & black ears. ​SOLD

T45=doe: Veteran's Dancing Queen, black with moonspots, cap & camo ears. RETAINED​​​

Born 1/21/25: Twins Veteran's Thunder Lady/C&W Farms King's Majesty

T21=buck: Veteran's Thunder Sprite, black with white splashes, cap & ears. SOLD 

T22=buck: DOA​​​

Born 1/25: Veteran's AZ Evania Sugar/Linn Farm's Ivy League Magi(Elite) (Full brother is retained.

S28=buck:  Veteran's Ivy League of Evania: black with moonspots, white cap & ears. AVAILABLE $700

​​Born 1/22/25: Single Veteran's Knight's Unique (Top Ten/Elite)/Veteran's Maximun Velocity

T25=buck: ​Veteran's Unique Trailblazer, black with white belt, cap, face & ears. RETAINED ​​​​

Born 1/18/25: Twins Veteran's Dancing Aurora/Veteran's Moonshadow Prince

T8=buck: black with moonspots, white cap & ears. AVAILABLE

T9=buck: black with moonspots, white cap, face & ears. SOLD ​​​

Veteran's Ranch
Legendary Nubian Dairy Goats                        

Annabelle Pattison 480-694-8513                                                 
8848 N Palo Verde Rd, Florence, Arizona 85132 

Email us with questions at

Senior Does 2024-25

Born 1/24/25: Single Veteran's Tonks Pheonix/Crow's Dairy Supersonic Comet

T42=doe:black with moonspots, white belt,  cap & ears.  RETAINED​​​

Born 1/20/25: Single Veteran's Viva Libertad/Veteran's Special Forces

T21A=buck: black with moonspots, white splashes, cap & ears. AVAILABLE ​​​

Prices posted are for reserved kids picked up by 3 to 4 weeks of age at the ranch. Those marked $P/T (private treaty) are negotiated and discussed  individually with each potential client. After the 4 week period, the reserved kid will be charged an additional boarding fee of $150 per month or $6 per day if less than 30 days. We require a deposit of $200 per kid.  The balance will be due within 7 days after notification of birth. No exceptions. If payment is not received within that time, the buyer forfeits their deposit money. Payments must be received in the form of cash, Cashier's Check, USPS Money Order payable to Annabelle Pattison unless other arrangements have been made (PayPal, Venmo, Zelle). Any fees associated with those types of transfers will be the sole responsibility of the buyer (PayPal, please add 3% fee). Please include the name, complete address and phone number of the person(s) who's names(s) will appear on the registration certificate or application for registration plus the ADGA member number, if any.  Please be advice that due to the "ADGA Buck DNA Rule" that goes into effect on 1/1/2024 bucks born on or after 1/1/2024 must have their DNA on file with ADGA in order for progeny to be registered. Consequently it is the buyers responsibility to comply with this rule unless we get a requests in writing and a payment of $40 to cover the cost of test, collection and postage for DNA samples. 

Deposits are refunded only if your choice of kid is not born (sex only, not color) or if the kid is not up to our quality standards. Deposits will be moved to your 2nd or 3rd choice of kid whenever possible. However, deposits will not be refunded on cancelled orders, if you change your mind or don't like the color of the kid (we do not guarantee color, ever). We reserve the right to select herd replacements before filling reservations. Customers with deposits will ALWAYS have priority over those that don't when it comes to extra kids available for sale. The prices above are for kids pre-ordered. Prices for kids purchased after birth will be revised and will be usually higher. We abide by the ADGA Recommended Trade Practices by Members (section XIX of manual). All sales are final.

We prefer that all kids be picked up at the ranch. Ground transportation is possible using several reputable companies as we are very close to I-10 (please check with your carrier). Air freight from the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport can also be arranged (Delta, American & Alaska Airlines).  Please be advised airlines have many restrictions & more regulations due to COVID-19. Transportation costs, shipping container, tests, health certificate required by interstate transportation (approximate $225 for 1st kid; additional kids purchased by the same owner will be an extra $100) plus $75  airport delivery fee (due to higher fuel prices) are all the responsibility of the buyer and must be prepaid. Crates/kennels can be ordered online and can be drop-shipped to the ranch at least 7 days before flying or shipping out. Kids are shipped at 3-4 weeks of age to a major airport closest to the buyer's address or where the designated airline can ship goats. However it is possible that the buyer might have to drive several hours to the possible drop off location. Ground transport has been more popular recently and we encourage buyers to use the various Facebook groups to arrange shipping. Please be advised that due to weather conditions air shipping might not be available from May 1st until September 31st. Veterinaries in our area are extremely busy and appointments are scheduled 2 weeks in advance so plan accordingly when scheduling transportation services.

Export customers: please contact us by email  or FB to discuss any arrangements and before reserving any kids. We require a 50% deposit for reservations on all exports, plus $50 to cover DNA testing and micro-chip. There will be a $150 per month boarding fee, $6 a day if less than 30 days) plus veterinary care after the kids are 2 months old. Also, there are multiple tests and different requirements depending on the country of export. Please be advised that there will be additional costs required, including but not limited to veterinary services, tests, vaccines, worming, quarantine, health certificates, certificates of exportation, larger kennels for shipping after weaning, etc. Philippine Airlines, KLM, Pacific Air Cargo (310-645-2178) and Flying Horse Services out of LAX could assist clients seeking exports to the Philippines, etc. Please contact Peter Calnan (626) 627-6072 for additional information. Those seeking  exports out of New York can contact Mersant International in New York (718) 978-8200 and talk to a representative in the Livestock Department.

Kids resulting from artificial insemination (AI) will be tested for G6S at the buyers expense as the status of many AI sires is unknown. Our herd is G6S normal by test or parentage but any buyer can request to have their kid tested prior to shipping. The G6S test runs about $30 per kid. The test will be done through UC Davis in accordance with the new ADGA guidelines. We are also offer to micro chip kids in the tail area for $10 per kid.

If you are interested in buying a kid, please contact us for availability by emailing Annabelle, texting/calling (480) 694-8513 and on FB.

Sale prices, terms and conditions are subject to change prior to sale confirmation.

​​Born 1/24/25: Single Veteran's Lunar Eclipse/Veteran's Sparkys Pistachino

T30=buck: black with white belt, cap & ears. AVAILABLE after testing​​​​

Born 1/24/25: Twins C&W Farm VMR Rosalee's Reyna/C&W Farm King's Majesty

T34=buck:black with broken white belt, cap & black ears.  AVAILABLE

T35=buck: black with white splashes, snip on nose, cap, & frosty ears. AVAILABLE​​​

​​Born 1/23/25: Single Veteran's Unique Henna/Veteran's Special Forces

T30=doe:Veteran's Henna's Anna, black with moonspots, white splashes, cap, blaze & ears. SOLD​​​​

Veteran's Ranch
Legendary Nubian Dairy Goats                        

Annabelle Pattison 480-694-8513                                                 
8848 N Palo Verde Rd, Florence, Arizona 85132 

Email us with questions at

Born 1/23/25: Twins Veteran's Happy Fiesta/Crow's Dairy Supersonic Comet

T28=doe:Veteran's Sonic Pow-wow, black with white spots, star & black ears. RETAINED 

T29=buck: Veteran's Sonic Native, black with moonspots, white cap, nose & ears. RETAINED​​​

Born 1/28/25: Single Veteran's Adele Hello/Veteran's Maximum Velocity

T50=buck: Veteran's Arizona Big Blue, blue roan with moonspots, white belt, cap & camo ears. SOLD


Email us with
Favorite LINKS:
Caprine Supply
Valley Vet
PBS Animal Health
Shop Med Vet
Fight Bac

Santa Cruz Health

Jeffers Equine

Born 1/19/25: Triplets JSW Farms SL Baby Belle (Elite)/Veteran's Lightning Galaxy

T13=doe:blue roan with white belt. DOA. 

T14=buck: Veteran's Splash Galaxy, black with white spots, cap, face & ears. RETAINED

T15=buck: black with white spots, cap, nose & ears. SOLD​​

Born 1/20/25: Triplets Veteran's Red Blondie/2DoesRising Over The Horizon

Last Horizon Babies as we lost him last summer.

T17=buck:blonde with white face & ears. AVAILABLE

T18=buck: blonde with spots, white cap & brown ears. AVAILABLE

T19=buck: Veteran's Dust Devil Horizon, brown with spots, cap, face & ears. RETAINED​​